Main R&D areas

The target fields prominently include control and measurement technologies, industrial automation, Industry 4.0, artificial intelligence, robotics, machine vision, system engineering, and biomedicine.
The research groups are as follows:
Automatic Control
The domains of focus comprise automatic control theory and real-world applications, the emphasis being on advanced electric drive control systems.
The fields and problems examined involve, above all, vibro- and thermodiagnostics, acoustic emission, flow sensing, and noise measurement.
Industrial Automation
We investigate and develop industrial control systems and communication, Industry 4.0, process automation, and embedded solutions.
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
Our priorities are mobile robots, telepresence, artificial intelligence algorithms, machine learning, and biomedical robotics.
Machine Vision
The main interests include reserching and developing methods for machine vision, signal and image processing, and object recognition and reconstruction.